Question bank – 2018 – Class 10 – English(First shift).
English(bihar board) Question bank – 2018 – Class 10.
अंग्रेजी(बिहार बोर्ड) – दशम वर्ग, Question bank – 2018. – प्रथम पाली !
Question bank-2018-class - 10-English(First shift)
1. The main character in “The pace for living” which is the author saw was a/an……….. corn merchant-
2. The author admits that quick travel does not give the traveller the real ……….. of travel-
3. Jim asked Mr. Greene to keep the old newspapers for the school-going children, who ………. them?
4. Jim told Mr Johnson that it would reduce ………... and save Ecology if he did not use his car for travelling to short distances-
5. When the narrator sat down to write, Gillu wanted to catch her ………….
6. Gillu’s favourite food was-
7. In ‘What is wrong with Indian films?’ the author compares Indian films with ………….. Films-
8. The cinema ……….. in various measures the function of poetry, music, painting, drama, architecture and a host of other arts, major and minor-
9. Aris firmly believed that his mother would have accepted the price for all the …………... of Burma, not for herself-
10. Who is the writer of “Acceptance speech”?
11. The old woman was …………... enough to know she could not help the young people-
12. Who is the writer of “Once Upon a Time”? RC Hutchinson
13. Indians have shown the power to make ………... changes and of becoming used to new situations-
14. Where have old Civilization and Culture grown and changed?
15. The old woman tried to make everyone understand that it as it was Easter, the day should be spent-
16. Which festival is referred to by the writer in “Little girls wiser than man”?
17. The towns people do not enjoy and real ……………
18. A happy man's wants are satisfied by the property inherited by him from his …………..
19. ”Polythene bag” has been composed by ………….
20. Lord Krishna had not met …………... for some time-
21. There was a ..…………. which had the power to grant wishes-
22. The high pitched strains of the koel wakes in the poet’s sould a thousand ………………
23. As a result of very hard work, the porter’s ……... beat was fast.
24. Martha used to tell her stories in the Hazel …………
25. Munni advised Halku to hire himself out, as a ………..
26. A person has to be exposed to the particular ……………... for sometime to become allergic to it.
27. The banker decided to murder the ………
28. For Mr. gessler, boot making was a/an-
29. Sun and moon went downstairs hand in hand to meet the …………
30. “Love defiled” is a story about the relationship of the narrator with his ………………
31. Choose the passive voice of the given sentences : Is he writing a story?
32. Choose the passive voice of the given sentences : we should not punish him.
33. Choose the passive voice of the given sentences : She helped me.
34. Choose the indirect speech of the given sentences : She said to her daughter, “Study well to get success in your life.”
35. Choose the indirect speech of the given sentences : He says, ”I am going to Patna.”
36. Choose the indirect speech of the given sentences : He said to me, ”what do you want?”
37. Choose the suitable verb in agreement with its subject : Rice and curry ………... his favourite food.
38. Choose the suitable verb in agreement with its subject : The honest ………... poor.
39. Choose the suitable verb in agreement with its subject : Nothing but snow ………….seen.
40. Choose the most suitable prepositions : He is known ……….. me.
41. Choose the most suitable prepositions : He went to the village ………….. foot.
42. Choose the most suitable prepositions : The rat is afraid ……….. cat.
43. Choose the correct spelling of the each given word : Autitorium
44. Choose the correct spelling of the each given word : Professer
45. Choose the correct spelling of the each given word : Neighoring
46. Choose the most suitable English translation : मेरे स्टेशन पहुंचने से पहले गाड़ी खुल चुकी थीI
47. Choose the most suitable English translation : मैं तैरना जानता हूंI
48. Choose the most suitable English translation : तैरना एक कला हैI
49. Choose the most suitable English translation : यहां सभी धर्मों के लोग रहते हैंI
50. Choose the most suitable English translation : आज बहुत गर्मी पड़ रही हैI
Question bank-2018-class - 10-English(First shift)
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